
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Metallic Paint - How To Get a Mirror Effect

In case you haven't heard, I am no longer Home Sweet Butterfly, but I am now the new and improved DIY 180. My web site is and with blogger it's I still have some tweaking to do, but hope to be completely done by this coming weekend. Thanks so much for sharing and spreading the news.

Now on to my favorite DIY project. I was tinkering around a few weeks back and realize I can create a mirror effect by using any metallic paint. I try using latex's paint and it didn't work, so remember metallic spray paints.

Here is what you will need -
Any glassware
Metallic paint
Spray bottle filled with plain water (no vinegar it didn't work well with the metallic paint)
A rag to dap the water and paint off.

These are the items you will need. 
Lightly mist the glassware with water. 
Next lightly spray your metallic paint and let it sit for about 40 seconds. Finally, take your rag and simply dap the water/paint beads. Remember, don't rub, but dap in a rocking motion. 
Here is the results of my plate. Love!
Look at the effect on this votive holder. See the other votive holder in the back?  
These are all the pieces I sprayed painted with the gold metallic paint and I really love how they turned out. 
I also wanted to share with you some tips if you choose to do this project. First of all, I did not use vinegar water in the spray bottle, because the metallic paint did not take well to the glass, so stick to plain water. Also, if you make a mistake or don't like the effect you got the first time around take Goop Gone and it will remove the paint off the glass. Finally, when using the rag, I didn't rub the water/paint because I found it removed too much of the paint off. I don't like this look, but you might and if you removed to much paint no worries just simply spray water and paint in the area you want to touch up or the whole entire piece. I did this and had no problems painting over the paint. Once done just lightly spray the glass pieces with sealant. Try any metallic paint you have or like to use and if you do this project please let me know. I would love to see what you created. Thanks again for stopping by and I LOVE your SWEET comments. Have a great day!




  1. Hey Vanessa! I love the new name and look :) And I love this metallic paint - great idea!


  2. Your new blog design looks FABULOUS!!! Way to go girl! :)

  3. Wow! Love the simple process for such a wonderful outcome!

  4. Congrats on accomplishing the blog change. That has to be a lot of work. I look forward to what's to come.

  5. I have been on the hunt for Krylon Looking Glass Spray Paint, but have been unable to find it. Every place had the metallic paint. I love mercury glass and your DIY version looks wonderful. I am going to give this a go.
    Thanks for sharing,

  6. Oh my gosh, you made that look so easy! It looks fantastic! And congrats on the blog name change, I can only imagine how had it must be to start all over.

  7. WOW!! this is fabulous! I hope you stop by to link to my party every week-

  8. Fantastic way to bring new life to things. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Very pretty! I would love to have you join me on The Creative HomeAcre Hop today!

  10. it looks amazing. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo P.S. the new giveaway started Friday :-)

  11. Love this! Thanks for sharing on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!

  12. I like the your presentation about the Metallic paint. Metallic paint has a long history with its development. Metallic paint was developed with metals such as copper for gold paint and aluminum for silver colors.

  13. can i use regular metallic paint on glass to make a mirror or does it have to be looking glass paint?

    1. Dwana, Yes you can use regular metallic spray paint. It can not be the brush on paint. Once you spray the water then spray the metallic paint and wait about 30 sec and pat with a tee shirt or cloth. Just pat and you will get a great effect.


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