Sunday, December 23, 2018

Dishing It and Digging It Link Party #232

Your host this week is:
Are you ready for Christmas?  Is your shopping all done and you can finally sit down and relax. I am done....just preparing for brunch on Thursday with dear friends. Last week, I shared another dreamy white Christmas tablescape in our Breakfast room. The theme is angels.  I carried the theme over from our dining room.
Let's talk features from last week.

 Thank you, Bloggers!
○ Please share this party via social media. (Google, Twitter, etc.) Using the hashtag #DIDI
○ A link back to us is NOT mandatory.
○ You can link up 3 posts: Home decor, Tablescapes, Gardening, Recipes and more!
○ Etsy | Amazon | Link Parties are not allowed and will be deleted.
○ Please visit your fellow linkups and leave them a comment. Don't link and run!
○ You are granting us permission to use photo(s) on social media for promotional purposes.
Linda - Life & Linda | Facebook | Google+ Twitter  Angie - The Freckled Rose | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter 
Christine - Rustic & Refined Facebook | Google+ | Twitter 
Vanessa - DIY 180 Facebook | Google+ | Twitter 

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting each week!!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  2. Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for featuring my sartu di riso recipe! xx


Love to hear from you, please leave a comment.