Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fall Pumpkin Flag - Home For the Fall

Welcome to the "Home for Fall Tour! This is a blog tour and is filled with some amazing bloggers sharing their favorite and creative fall home decor. At the end of this blog post make sure to stop by and visit the other ladies on this tour! 

I love anything that has to do with fall. Pumpkins, cinnamon and warm fall colors makes me happy and I look forward to changing my home from summer to fall every year. This is my way of making up for the fact that I now live in Florida and I miss the change of seasons very much. My way of making it fall in our home is by adding warm fall colors and pumpkins throughout my home. Today, I am sharing one of my fall monogram flags. 

Supplies you will need:

Fabric: in neutral ( I used a drop cloth fabric cut out 20 inches long by 13 inches wide) 
Paint :Color Sweet Potato, White, Nutmeg Brown, black by Apple Barrel and Lime Green by Folk Art
Variety of paint brushes
Letter Stencil  

I had this flag that I used as a template and I added additional seam allowances. For the top I added 2 inches and 1 inch on each side. (*note - I did not need to add seam allowance for the bottom, because the fabric was already hemmed, so just add an additional 1 inch for the bottom as well. This will make your fabric 21 inches long and 14 inches wide)

As you can see the picture on the left I folded the sides of the fabric by 1/2 inchs and ironed. Once I ironed the sides (top picture on the right) I folded the sides again by 1/2 inchs and ironed. I then hot glued down the sides (lower left picture). 
This next step is easy, unfortunately I forgot to take a picture. I folded the top of the fabric 2 inches then ironed and hot glued down. The top opening is where the flagpole will insert so just make sure the opening on the top is big enough for your flagpole. If you need to fold the bottom seam, go ahead and do so and hot glue down.  

The next step I used this pumpkin I picked up at the Dollar store and traced it to the fabric. Once I was done tracing, I used the paint color Sweet Potato and painted my pumpkin. Once I was done painting the pumpkin, I created circles and using the brown paint I painted the circles. Once everything was dry, I painted along the outline of the pumpkin and circles using white paint. Finally, I used the green paint and painted the stem of the pumpkin. 

Once the flag was all dried I free hand the letter "L" using black paint. Here is the my new fall flag. I love how it turned out! Thanks for stopping by and make sure to visit the other ladies on the tour!

~ Home for Fall 2015 ~

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Hi Vanessa,
    Your flag turned out great and brings a nice bit of fall to Florida. Love this idea. Pinning it for future inspiration. Thanks

  2. Great way to make this flag beautiful! Love it!

  3. What a cute flag! Wanted to let you know you link up is not working. It goes to a page that says this post doe snot exist.

  4. What a cleaver and creative what to repurpose a flag! LOVE your sweet fall flag!

  5. How original and adorable! The beautiful, vibrant colours just cheer you up!

  6. This is such a cute flag. I love allthe bold colors and your easy tutorial.

  7. I love the this flag!! Drop cloth is my secret weapon too! So cheap and versatile :)

  8. What a cute idea!! Thank you for visiting !

  9. I have been toying with the idea of making my own outdoor flag and your tutorial just made it very doable. It looks great! Thank you!

  10. hi Vanessa! i love flags and yours is so pretty! now i want one too!! xo

  11. I absolutely love how you used an old flag as a guide... so creative! Your new flag looks absolutley fabulous! So glad to "meet you" through our little home for fall blog hop! Pinning for future reference!

  12. Just wanted to let you know this post was picked as one of the featured post on the #HomeMattersParty. You can find it at While you are there make sure to grab the I was featured button for your side bar. Congrats and thanks for linking up. Hope you will link up again.

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