
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Room Makeover Part 3

I have spent the last 4 days purging, organizing and cleaning my little girl's room. If I showed you the before pictures you would fall over in shock. I couldn't believe I let her room get so bad. I had 3 trash bags full. I don't have any before because I was so bent on getting the room straighten out that I got in the zone and cleaned. I finally have it all cleaned up and I am ready to add the finishing touches to her room.

Here is what her room looks like without any wall decors bed, bedding, wall decor, rug or curtain.

It doesn't seem like much, but to me the small details are the hardest part. I hope to have this finished in time for her birthday. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks again for stopping by.




  1. Looks great and I love your header for your blog. :)

  2. Vanessa, you had me laughing about the "shocking" state of the room! Ha! I have to do they accumulate so much stuff? We did the trash bag purge before school started and I am afraid we are going to need to do it again by Halloween!! ;) Can't wait to see the results!


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