
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Birthday Tutorials

Happy Wednesday!

I wanted to share with you two projects today. The first is the pinta and the second is the birthday banner. These are easy and inexpensive party favorite you can whip up for any occasion. I know there are more elaborate pinta and with some cardboard, paper towel rolls it can be done. But, since my theme was balloons it was easy to make.

Materials you would need:
different acrylic paints
1' inch strips of newspaper and white copy paper
mod podge or Elmer's glue or the flour paste recipe you can see here.  

1) After a few tries I found it easier to place the balloon in a bowl. I use mod podge on each strips of newspaper and placed it on the balloon going in one direction, then for the next layer I went the opposite direction and so on. Once I covered the balloon with three layers of newspaper then I added one layer of white copy paper. Before adding each layer, make sure each layer is dry before adding the next layer.

Three layers of newspaper, then add the white paper

Paint half of the pinta first. 
Pop the balloon and remove.

Before closing the pinta add your candy and punch two holes one on each side and run string through the holes. Next add more strips of white paper with glue and paint over.
Paint the pinta and add ribbon.
I love the idea of adding a personalize birthday banner, this was also a very inexpensive party decor. I also love the fact I didn't have to use my sewing machine.

Materials needed:
1 to 2 yard of fabric folded in half
1 yard of felt
Glue gun
Acrylic paint

I had two yards of fabric and I need 21 pieces for the banners and 21 felt circles to go on top of the fabric. In order to make the cutting process go faster I fold the fabric in half and ironed. Then I made a template out of scarp booking paper and pin around the fabric. Using a pinking shears cut your fabric.
I used pinking shears so the fabric wouldn't fray. 
Next, I made a circle template and pin and cut my felt with regular scissor. Once all cut, I hot glue the felt onto each fabric piece.
I found painting on felt does not bleed through to the light weight fabric. 

Taking my template I just painted each felt. 
After each letter was painted and dried I hot glue each fabric to the ribbon. Make sure you glue the fabric pieces to the back side of the ribbon.
Backside of banner

You can add a bow at each end of the banner and between Happy Birthday as well. So what do you think? I loved how these two pieces came out and the total cost was $5. Love it! I love comments so drop me a line. Have a great week!



  1. So cute! Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting! I'm your newest follower!

  2. My girls are dying for a pinata for their birthday-thanks for the tut!

  3. SEW easy and SEW great! Come see my Wisdom Teeth necklace!

  4. Wow! you make it look so easy! Hugs, GraceinAZ

  5. Great ideas. I will have to use them. Doylene

  6. Cool! I didn't know you could make your own piñata! I'll have to remember this.

    Warmly, Michelle

  7. I love how you made the piñata!! Ingenious!

  8. Cute pinata! And I love that fabric used for the banner, really cute!

  9. So terrific!!!! What fun, I had to giggle at the pinata in front of her, it looks like she's wearing it. LOL Thank you for sharing my sweet bloggy friend Hugs and sending wishes for a weekend filled with laughter xo

  10. Oh My I love the piñata and the banner, too cute and easy! lovely!!!

  11. Hi Vanessa - Thanks for stopping by today. I LOVE this birthday banner and the pinata couldn't be cuter. I am your newest follower too. Yes Christmas is coming... FAST! :-)

  12. What a wonderful birthday! We love all the personal touches and we must try that pinata!

  13. Clever idea to make your own pinata! I love the way it turned out!

  14. Thanks you for all the neat party ideas.


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