
Monday, October 28, 2013

Vintage Warehouse - Eye Candy

Today, I wanted to share with you my favorite place and it is "The Vintage Warehouse" in Lakeland, Fl. It's 6,000 square ft. filled with antiques, vintage, rusty, handmade goods and modern vintage. We don't just carry furniture, but all sorts of goodies.

Get ready for your eye candy. Warning there is a lot of pictures.

The warehouse is filled from the top to the bottom with beautiful items and unfortunately it's hard for me to show you all of it, but if you are ever in Central Florida please stop by the Vintage Warehouse and take a look around. I promise it's worth the trip. Have a great weekend.




  1. Lots of goodies in the warehouse...I'd be in there for hours!

  2. So many cool vintage things to look at and look for, I love the post and I am happy to have found you when I was just browsing, I am your new follower and would love you to come for a visit...Phyllis

  3. Looks like a place I could get lost in for a few days :) I am a new follower...would love if you could follow back!

  4. You were right. Definite eye candy! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Vanessa..How did I NOT know you were here in Fl? I have to find this place it looks like so much fun!

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