
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Curtain Holdback Ideas - For A Kid's Room

Today is a quick tutorial on how to update plain holdbacks into a fun and funky look for a little girl's room. I have been updating my little girl's room and here is another idea you can try. I found these holdbacks at a yard sale for 50 cents and I couldn't pass them up.

Pic 1 - You will need holdbacks, any color boa and a hot glue gun.
Pic 2 - Dab hot glue on the holdback
Pic 3 - Gently press the boa on the glue
Pic 4 - Work in small sections by adding hot glue and wrap the boa and continue till all sections are covered. 
Pic 5 & 6 - Now you have a cool new holdback. There are so many different ways to change the look of these holdbacks. You can add glue and glitter, spray paint them or wrap them in fabric and tie them off with a ribbon. 

I am happy to be back this week after being MIA for two weeks. My little girl was sick and then I got sick. I had no energy and I had a grumpy daughter, so it's great to be back and I'm so happy to be sharing with you. I appreciate you stopping by; have a great week!




  1. These are too much fun! :) I love them!

  2. aw! that looks cute vanessa!! i could definitely try this in the future :) thanks for sharing!

    thanks for following me, now following you too!


  3. Glad you are all feeling better. That's very cute!

  4. so happy you are feeling better. Love these curtain tie backs. Happy weekend wishes to you and Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop, your participation is what makes it so much fun. Come back to Katherines Corner,I posted the new giveaway today! xo

  5. Welcome back! Happy to hear you are feeling better. These are super cute. I don't have any little princesses in my house, but I'm for sure sharing this with my girlfriend who has two. Adorable.

  6. Those are adorable. My niece would love them.

  7. Stopping by from the HOP.
    This is a very cute idea. I love these. I would definitely use these for a client.



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